This is the current status of our services.
current statistics
Total allocated memory | 221 GB |
Total used memory | 156 GB |
Total unallocated memory | 11 GB |
Inbound traffic over all sites | 212.9 KB/s |
Outbound traffic over all sites | 24.2 KB/s |
Last 24h inbound traffic | 17.6 GB |
Last 24h outbound traffic | 4.8 GB |
Number of sites online | 5 sites |
Number of running hosts | 135 hosts |
Number of hosts down | 30 hosts |
last update status webservices
Service | Uptime 24h | Uptime 30d | response time |
⬤ Bezirkswebseite | 0% | 56.9% | -1ms | |
⬤ Ohre - Podcast Feed | 0% | 56.9% | -1ms | |
⬤ Patria - Chat | 0% | 56.9% | -1ms | |
⬤ Patria - Covid Info | 0% | 56.9% | -1ms | |
⬤ Patria - Daten | 0% | 56.9% | -1ms | |
⬤ Patria - Gitlab | 0% | 56.9% | -1ms | |
⬤ Patria - Heime | 0% | 56.9% | -1ms | |
⬤ Patria - Mitmachen | 0% | 56.9% | -1ms | |
⬤ Patria - Tageler | 0% | 56.9% | -1ms | |
⬤ Patria - Ticketing | 0% | 56.9% | -1ms | |
⬤ Patria - Website | 0% | 56.9% | -1ms | |
⬤ Patria - Wiki | 0% | 56.9% | -1ms | |
⬤ | 0% | 56.9% | -1ms | |
last update